This Ad is 4 ALL my FelloW ps2 FanS...most games are complete in great shape and all of have been tested and work. These games are UseD and I have no problems sending detailed pictures before completing the purchase. These GaMeS are Sold AS IS...I have taken the time and care into making sure EaCh game is in Great working condition. I want my buyers to be happy with their purchase so any information you need to make you feel more secure with your purchase within reason i am more than happy to give you. I also give DisCounTs when you PurchaSe multiple TiTleS. Also, keep an EyE out for SpeCiaLs I will be running throughout the Ad...My FavoRiTe will be a Buy 3 get a MysterY GamE FREE! This wiLL be an AweSoMe FLaSH DeaL to Save You SoMe !! And WE All 2 saVe ! A HuGe ThanK YoU 4 checking OuT My SaLe and PLZ...any QuestioNs AsK! If you think about the TiMe I invest into My SaLe and the CreativiTy I back it with you will know that I invest the Same in MY ProduCt! And making SuRe YouR HappY! FroM Wick'd GameZ...we bid EpiC GaminG ExperiencE! Games are cased unless specified on the name. some cases may have some damaging games in picture are most likely not the same exact game you will get as i upgrade regularly so enjoy and play on